Indian students who are pursuing their education in countries like the United States keep looking for part-time jobs. There are several options to earn and mingle with candidates from various parts of the world. A part-time job is an excellent opportunity where you will get complete exposure to student’s life and culture. As per the American student’s visa regulations, the students are permitted to work twenty hours per week and allowed to work only within the campus.
We have listed some of the top part-time job opportunities which you can take while studying in one of the top American universities.
Working as a Teaching assistant
Are you dedicated to your academics? Well, you should think about applying for such academic positions. There are two kinds of job opportunities: teaching assistants and teaching fellows. Teaching fellows are graduate students. Teaching assistants are graduates but will have fewer duties such as collecting and handing out assignments. There will not be any formal announcement for such posts. It is best to check with your professor and tell them that you are available for helping them.
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Working as a library monitor
As a library monitor, you will be given responsibilities such as maintaining a quiet atmosphere in the library, taking care of the decorum and supervising study areas. In this job, you will be having sufficient quiet time. It is best to make use of such quiet hours by preparing for your forthcoming exam. Besides making some cash, you can also spend time on your academics. If you are a passionate reader, it is the best job opportunity to discover new books and works.
Working as an academic department assistant
It is almost similar to the clerical job. In this job, you will be dealing with paperwork filing and sorting. It is best to approach your HOD or (Head of Department) to know about the available opportunities. Most departments will give first importance to students who are in the same field. It is recommended to work with your department since it is an excellent opportunity to network and make connections with professors as well as understand the functions of your department.
Working as an assistant at the university book center:
Most of the top universities will have a bookstore within the campus selling works of fiction, reference books, course books, and other school supplies. When you work at the university bookstore, you can be within the campus and also get employee discounts on stationery, books and other supplies. To enquire about the job opportunities, you have to get in touch with the bookstore manager.
Apart from the above mentioned job opportunities, you can also work as a production assistant, campus tech support, academic department assistant, peer tutor, barista, babysitter or tutor guide. We suggest you select the job as per your likes and interests. If you do not know about the job openings in your university, approach the admin or head of the department. They will guide and provide complete details about the openings within the university.